
A weekly chat about all things mental health in the modern age, delivered straight into your ear-holes!


After releasing our first episode in May 2019, we have to say our favourite moments have been (in no particular order) appearing on the iTunes New & Noteworthy list, chatting to YouTube personality Dr Tracey Marks, and getting interviewed by ABC radio!

This is, of course, apart from EVERY OTHER DAMN MOMENT as each second has been pure bliss, learning more and more about mental health, and connecting with awe-inspiring people.

Steph is the planner, the one that understands the weather far better than the next (wo)man, and the editing wizard. Without her the episodes would go for around 22.5 hours and be made up of approximately 9,406,000 “Um’s” (mostly from Em). She loves a good Southerly, her doggy Banjo and loving husband, and …she suffers from Health Anxiety.

Em is the Bullshit Artist, the joker, the one whose hands move far too much when she talks. She is the one that gives Steph the push she needs to stop PLANNING episodes, and actually hit record. What she lacks in intelligence she makes up for with the ability to make ridiculous faces and sounds. She loves her 2 furbabies, oil painting, the beach… and she suffers from Depression.
LOVE the sound of her voice and want to hear more? https://goodnewsgoodnight.com/

“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.”

Glenn Close (Not about our podcast…. but she’s right!)
The reality of a photoshoot with our doggies…